Thursday, November 5, 2009

String Beans and Squash in Coco Milk

( Ginataang Sitaw at Kalabasa)

What you'll need?

1 tbsp. Cooking oil
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1 small onion, sliced
1/3 cup sweet bagoong alamang
1/2 cup hibe
3 pcs. siling panigang, sliced diagonally
1 cup coco milk
1/3 kilo string beans, cut into 2''
1/2 kilo squash, cut into cubes

How to cook?

Sautè the garlic, onion and siling panigang. Add in the bagoong and hibe and sautè. Pour in the coco milk. Bring to a boil or until thick. Add in the string beans and then the squash. Simmer until the veggies are cooked and the sauce is almost dried up.

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